Reiki is Back!!

WHAT IS REIKI?: The word Reiki means universal life- force energy, or spiritual energy. It is a Japanese healing system that promotes relaxation, stress relief, and works to holistically heal the mind, body and spirit. Reiki is for all, and one does not need to be spiritual or religious to receive it's amazing benefits.


HOW DOES REIKI WORK?: Reiki works to remove or balance out "blocked" or "stuck" energy that can be caused by emotional, spiritual, or physical upset. When these blocks are removed, the body is better able to heal itself, thereby releasing negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that no longer serve you.

45 minute session:    $60
1 hour session:          $75 

*Reiki is a natural method of energy balancing for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation; Reiki is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.